Swim Camp 2023 – Barcelona

In 2023 the Beverley Barracudas swimming club orgamnised their very first training camp abroad.  Lead by Veronique Dudic es who organised everything we took 25 swimmers and 6 staff members for 4 nights at the Crol centre near Barcelona.

It was a very successful trip with the swimmers training really hard in 8 x 2hour training session in a long course pool . We also managed daily land training sessions , some shopping and beach activities.

Vero and Tracey took on a big task as they took over from a previous person who moved out of the club.  They had a lot of work to do to correct things and re arrange the planning.  nnThey managed to get it all working very smoothly in the end and in so doing learnt a lot of leass we have put together a ons for running a new camp

The camp flights were set for take off from Leeds at 6am in the morning which in hindsight was a mistake as it ruined the first days training.  The value for money was quastionable as the swimmers only got 4 nights training.